PDI Open 1 Class 1

PosnTitle and AuthorScore102 CLOSED FOR THE SEASON  by   Ted Weller class120201 EMPTY SEATS & THE EUROSTAR  by   Jeff Haynes class120303 KESTREL PORTRAIT  by   Tom Barclay class1204    H 02 CLOUD HORSE  by   Catherine Allen class1205    H 02 A CLOSER LOOK AT TIME  by   Belinda Ewart class1196    H 02 WEEKENDERS  by   Paul Burwood class 118701 ELLA  by   Belinda Ewart class118      =01 THE BRICK WALL PAVALION  by   Chunilal Chavda class118      =02 THE JOURNEY BEGINS  by   Jeff haynes class118      =03 THE LOITERER  by   Belinda Ewart class1181101 HONG KONG CITYSCAPE  by   Ted Weller class117      =01 SPIRAL  by   Paul Burwood class 117      =02 OLD PAIR OF BOOTS  by   Chunilal Chavda class117      =02 THE HOLE IN THE FENCE  by   Tom Barclay class1171501 GATHERING NECTAR  by   Tom Barclay class116      =01 YELLOW FLOWER  by   Ray Staff class 116      =03 FRED & GINGER  by   Paul Burwood class 1161801 SPRING FLOWERS  by   Catherine Allen class115      =02 SUNSET OVER DERWENTWATER  by   Ray Staff class 1152003 YOUNG BOY ON THE BIKE  by   Chunilal Chavda class114


PosnTitle and AuthorScore
102 CLOSED FOR THE SEASON  by   Ted Weller class120
201 EMPTY SEATS & THE EUROSTAR  by   Jeff Haynes class120
303 KESTREL PORTRAIT  by   Tom Barclay class120
4    H 02 CLOUD HORSE  by   Catherine Allen class120
5    H 02 A CLOSER LOOK AT TIME  by   Belinda Ewart class119
6    H 02 WEEKENDERS  by   Paul Burwood class 118
701 ELLA  by   Belinda Ewart class118
      =01 THE BRICK WALL PAVALION  by   Chunilal Chavda class118
      =02 THE JOURNEY BEGINS  by   Jeff haynes class118
      =03 THE LOITERER  by   Belinda Ewart class118
1101 HONG KONG CITYSCAPE  by   Ted Weller class117
      =01 SPIRAL  by   Paul Burwood class 117
      =02 OLD PAIR OF BOOTS  by   Chunilal Chavda class117
      =02 THE HOLE IN THE FENCE  by   Tom Barclay class117
1501 GATHERING NECTAR  by   Tom Barclay class116
      =01 YELLOW FLOWER  by   Ray Staff class 116
      =03 FRED & GINGER  by   Paul Burwood class 116
1801 SPRING FLOWERS  by   Catherine Allen class115
      =02 SUNSET OVER DERWENTWATER  by   Ray Staff class 115
2003 YOUNG BOY ON THE BIKE  by   Chunilal Chavda class114

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