PosnTitle and AuthorScore102 CLOSED FOR THE SEASON by Ted Weller class120201 EMPTY SEATS & THE EUROSTAR by Jeff Haynes class120303 KESTREL PORTRAIT by Tom Barclay class1204 H 02 CLOUD HORSE by Catherine Allen class1205 H 02 A CLOSER LOOK AT TIME by Belinda Ewart class1196 H 02 WEEKENDERS by Paul Burwood class 118701 ELLA by Belinda Ewart class118 =01 THE BRICK WALL PAVALION by Chunilal Chavda class118 =02 THE JOURNEY BEGINS by Jeff haynes class118 =03 THE LOITERER by Belinda Ewart class1181101 HONG KONG CITYSCAPE by Ted Weller class117 =01 SPIRAL by Paul Burwood class 117 =02 OLD PAIR OF BOOTS by Chunilal Chavda class117 =02 THE HOLE IN THE FENCE by Tom Barclay class1171501 GATHERING NECTAR by Tom Barclay class116 =01 YELLOW FLOWER by Ray Staff class 116 =03 FRED & GINGER by Paul Burwood class 1161801 SPRING FLOWERS by Catherine Allen class115 =02 SUNSET OVER DERWENTWATER by Ray Staff class 1152003 YOUNG BOY ON THE BIKE by Chunilal Chavda class114
Posn | Title and Author | Score |
1 | 02 CLOSED FOR THE SEASON by Ted Weller class1 | 20 |
2 | 01 EMPTY SEATS & THE EUROSTAR by Jeff Haynes class1 | 20 |
3 | 03 KESTREL PORTRAIT by Tom Barclay class1 | 20 |
4 H | 02 CLOUD HORSE by Catherine Allen class1 | 20 |
5 H | 02 A CLOSER LOOK AT TIME by Belinda Ewart class1 | 19 |
6 H | 02 WEEKENDERS by Paul Burwood class 1 | 18 |
7 | 01 ELLA by Belinda Ewart class1 | 18 |
= | 01 THE BRICK WALL PAVALION by Chunilal Chavda class1 | 18 |
= | 02 THE JOURNEY BEGINS by Jeff haynes class1 | 18 |
= | 03 THE LOITERER by Belinda Ewart class1 | 18 |
11 | 01 HONG KONG CITYSCAPE by Ted Weller class1 | 17 |
= | 01 SPIRAL by Paul Burwood class 1 | 17 |
= | 02 OLD PAIR OF BOOTS by Chunilal Chavda class1 | 17 |
= | 02 THE HOLE IN THE FENCE by Tom Barclay class1 | 17 |
15 | 01 GATHERING NECTAR by Tom Barclay class1 | 16 |
= | 01 YELLOW FLOWER by Ray Staff class 1 | 16 |
= | 03 FRED & GINGER by Paul Burwood class 1 | 16 |
18 | 01 SPRING FLOWERS by Catherine Allen class1 | 15 |
= | 02 SUNSET OVER DERWENTWATER by Ray Staff class 1 | 15 |
20 | 03 YOUNG BOY ON THE BIKE by Chunilal Chavda class1 | 14 |